Zhixian's Tech Blog


Can not load type MembershipPasswordAttribute using ASP.NET (Mono)

Filed under: web application development — Tags: , , , — Zhixian @ 08:33:01 am

Note: This blog post does not provide a solution.


Recently, I was trying to build a ASP.NET MVC project using Mono on my Ubuntu machine.
It did not end well.

While building the login page, I got this error message.

Could not load type ‘System.Web.Security.MembershipPasswordAttribute’ from assembly ‘System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’.

Error 500 - Google Chrome_201

The offending code is:

test.mvc.web - Views-Home-Index.cshtml - MonoDevelop_202

As it turns PasswordFor is not the only helper extension that will trigger this error.
TextBoxFor have the same issue as well.

Why this happens

As it turns out, the Mono 4.5 that I am using at this time of writing does not have this implemented yet.

You can view here (http://go-mono.com/status/status.aspx?reference=4.5&profile=4.5&assembly=System.Web).

Mono System.Web in 4.5 vs MS.NET 4.5 - Google Chrome_203


No good solution to this issue currently.

One possible workaround is not to use the HTML Helper extensions.

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