Zhixian's Tech Blog


Installing and running Docker to build and push container image to Docker Hub on Bodhi Linux

Filed under: computing, docker, Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — Zhixian @ 00:27:04 am

My blog post of screen dumps on installing Docker on Bodhi Linux.

Essentially I want to find out if docker push is slow on my network or if MiniKube somehow is slower.


Pushing container image to Docker Hub using Docker CLI was quite fast.
But still unsure if MiniKube Docker is slower in comparison to using just Docker.
Something to try on another day.


sudo apt install docker.io

Oops! Forgot to start docker service!

Need to remove /var/run/docker.pid

sudo systemctl start docker

systemctl unmask docker.service
systemctl unmask docker.socket

sudo dockerd

sudo docker version

Testing it out

Yep! So much faster than on my Windows MiniKube.
I wonder why….
To test on another instance.


How to pushing container image to Docker Hub using MiniKube

Filed under: computing, docker, minikube, Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — Zhixian @ 21:09:04 pm

Blog describing pushing a container image using MiniKube.

MiniKube actually has a copy of Docker executable in it.
We will be using that copy to login to Docker Hub and push our container image.



  1. SSH to MiniKube
  2. Re-tag our image
  3. Log in to Docker Hub
  4. Push container image to Docker Hub

SSH to MiniKube

To login to MiniKube, execute the following command:

minikube ssh

After the command finished executing, you should see an output like the below:

Re-tag our image

To push our local container image to Docker hub, we need to re-tag the container image from
into the format of

Before that, let’s take a look at the images that are available by running this command:

docker image ls

The container that we want to push to Docker Hub is “basic-mvc“.
My Docker Hub username is zhixian

So I want to re-tag my local image to zhixian/basic:mvc:1
To do so, execute the command:

docker tag basic-mvc:1 zhixian/basic-mvc:1

After I finished executing the command and re-examine the images, I would see that I have an image tagged as zhixian/basic-mvc:1
Note that the image ID is the same as basic-mvc:1

docker login

To push this image, we need to login to our Docker Hub account by running the following command in MiniKube SSH:

docker login

The command will prompt you for enter your Docker Hub username and password.
The following screenshot is what you should be seeing when you successfully log in.

Push container image to Docker Hub

To push the image to Docker Hub, run the command
docker push <docker-hub-username>/<image-name>:<tag>.
So in my case, the command would look like:

docker push zhixian/basic-mvc:1

Aside: Pushing the image may take a long time. Not sure if its because I’m using the free tier or its due to MiniKube. 🤔

After the command finished, you should be able to see it in your Docker Hub.


Repositories (https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/repos/)


How to deploy files to Windows using SFTP via Gitlab pipelines


This blog post describes how you would deploy files to a Windows Server via SFTP using Gitlab pipelines using shared runners.

The practical uptake for this is that you can deploy files for your website to be served by Internet Information Services (IIS) server using Gitlab pipelines.

Note: The context of this post is about deploying websites but the steps described can be used for deploying any type of file using Gitlab pipelines.


  1. Assumptions
  2. What are Gitlab pipelines
  3. How Gitlab pipelines work
  4. Sample .gitlab-ci.yml


  1. You have an working Gitlab account.
  2. You have a working Gitlab repository.
  3. You have a Windows Server
  4. You have a SFTP server running on your Windows Server and you have a working SFTP account for that server.

If you do not have a SFTP server, you can consider SFTP/SCP Server from SolarWinds.
Its not a fantastic product but it would have to do (considering that it is a free product)
The software is available at the following url after registration:

What are Gitlab pipelines

To put it simply, pipelines is Gitlab’s mechanism to perform tasks specified by you when you check-in files into your Gitlab repository. These tasks are executed by processes (dubbed "runners" in Gitlab terminology).

The runners can be grouped in shared and private (non-shared) runners.

Shared runners are hosted by Gitlab to be used by all users of Gitlab that wishes to use them). They are free to use but are limited to 2000 CI minutes per month unless you upgrade your Gitlab plan.

In comparison, private runners are setup using your own resources. After you setup your private runner, you have to register it to Gitlab in order to have Gitlab to use it.

How Gitlab pipelines work

When you check in files into your Gitlab repository, Gitlab will check for the existence of a file called ".gitlab-cl.yml". This file must be named exactly as typed (it is case-sensitive). The existence of this file tells Gitlab that there are tasks to be done. This file will list out the "jobs" for Gitlab to carry out.

Side note: As can be guessed from the file extension ".yml", this is a YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) file. For details for the syntax of YAML, see http://www.yaml.org/

Sample .gitlab-ci.yml

As mentioned in the summary of this blog post, we want to setup a Gitlab pipeline that deploy to our SFTP server whenever we checked in a file. As such the below is the ".gitlab-ci.yml" file that would allow us to do that.

image: alpine

– apk update
– apk add openssh sshpass lftp

stage: deploy
– ls -al
– mkdir .public
– cp -r * .public
– echo "pwd" | sshpass -p $SFTP_PASSWORD sftp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no zhixian@servername.somedomain.com
– lftp -e "mirror -R .public/ /test" -u zhixian,$SFTP_PASSWORD sftp://servername.somedomain.com
– .public
– master

The following is what what each of lines do:

Line 1: Declare that "jobs" will be executed in a Docker container that use the image "alpine". The "alpine" image used here is one of the lightest Linux container, Alpine Linux. You can use other images as long as that image is in Docker store.

Line 3: The "before_script" section. Declare the actions to be carried before any jobs are executed in this section.

Line 4: Update the Alpine Linux software package manager, "apk". By default, "apk" is empty. So we need to populate it with the software catalog.

Line 5: Install the "openssh", "sshpass" and "lftp" software packages.

Line 7: Our declaration of a job call "deploy_pages"

Line 8: Indicate that this job is only to be execute in the "deploy" stage.

Quick concept of "stage": Basically, a job are executed in different stages in the order of "build", "test", and "deploy". Jobs in the same stage are executed concurrently (assuming there are sufficient runners to execute the jobs).

Line 9: The "script" section. Actions to be carried for the job are specify under here.

Line 10: List files in the docker container entry point. By default, Gitlab will dump a copy of your code repository at the container entry point. I like to see a list of the files. This is otherwise a frivolous step that is not need.

Lines 11 and 12: Make a directory call ".public" (note the period in front of "public") and copy all files at the entry point into this directory.

ZX: This step is for facilitating lftp at step 14. The problem is that Gitlab will dump a copy of the git repository at the entry point as well. But we don’t want to accidentally deploy the git repository, hence the copying of files to a sub-directory.

Line 13: Start a SFTP session to "servername.somedomain.com" using the account name "zhixian" using password stored in secret variable "$SFTP_PASSWORD".
Execute a SFTP command "pwd" and terminate the SFTP session.

ZX: This step seems frivolous, but is essential to the success of this job.
As mentioned, jobs are executed in a Docker container environment.
Hence, if we initiate any form of connection to a new SSH-based environment, system will prompt us to accept the "fingerprint-key" for that new SSH-based environment.
This line creates SFTP connection and accepts "fingerprint-key" for the SSH-based environment without prompts.

ZX: Note the "$SFTP_PASSWORD". This is a secret variable set under your Gitlab repository "Settings" section, under "Pipelines" subsection.


If you scroll down, you will see a "Secret variables" section like the below. The password to the SFTP account is specified here.


Line 14: Executes the "lftp" command. Here, we use the "mirror" feature of lftp. This feature makes a replica of the file structure of the source to the destination.

ZX: Note the "sftp://" prefix in front of the server domain name ("servername.somedomain.com"). It is important to include this to establish SFTP connectivity. If this is not specified, lftp will assume normal FTP.

Line 15: Specify the "artifacts" section. Items listed under the "artifacts" section will be available for download after the job is completed.

Line 16: Specify the "paths" section for the artifacts.

Line 17: Specify that ".public" folder is to be treated as a an artifact made available for download.

Line 18: Specify the branch of code that will cause this job would be executed.

Line 19: Specify the this job is to be executed only when someone checked-in to the "master" branch.

That’s basically all that is needed to get Gitlab to send files to your SFTP server.


Configuration of your jobs with .gitlab-ci.yml (https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/)


Cannot pull images from docker.io

Filed under: docker — Tags: , , , — Zhixian @ 18:14:09 pm


  1. You are unable to download docker images from the repository.
  2. You received a network timed out error message.
  3. This issue is probably due to your Docker DNS Server setting. Switch it from Automatic to Fixed to resolve issue.


If you just installed docker in Windows (in my case, it is Windows 10 Pro), you may encounter the following error message when trying to pull a docker image from docker.io:

C:\VMs\Docker>docker pull hello-world
Using default tag: latest
Pulling repository docker.io/library/hello-world
Network timed out while trying to connect to https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/library/hello-world/images. You may want to check your internet connection or if you are behind a proxy.


However, when you open up your browser to navigate to the url (https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/library/hello-world/images) of the image, you found that you have no problems.


This maybe due to an issue with the Network settings of Docker.
Specifically, the problem maybe with the DNS Server setting.
The DNS Server is set to Automatic by default and that DNS server may not be able to find the docker image repository.


To resolve this issue, simply set the DNS Server setting to “Fixed”.
For the IP address of the DNS Server, you can probably accept the default of “” (which points Google’s DNS server)
After clicking on the “Fixed” radio button, click on the “Apply” button to apply your changes.
This will cause Docker to restart.


After Docker have restarted, you should find that you are able to pull docker images without any issues.


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