Zhixian's Tech Blog


Setting Google DNS on Bodhi Linux

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — Zhixian @ 00:21:09 am

This blog post describes the steps to set DNS on Bodhi Linux.

Click on the Wifi icon on the taskbar.

Wifi icon highlighted in yellow box

In the context menu, that popup, select ‘Connection Information’

After you clicked on ‘Connection Information’ menu item, it will display the Connection Information dialog which looks something like the below. We want to change the Primary DNS under IPv4 from to Google’s DNS address which are and

To begin setting the DNS, click on the “Edit Connections…” menu item from the Wifi context menu.

This will bring up the Network Connections dialog like the below.
Select the Wifi connection, and click on the cog icon at the bottom of the dialog.

After you click on the cog icon, another dialog for editing the network connection settings will appear.
Click on the IP4v Settings Tab.
The drop-down value for the item labeled “Method” should be “Automatic (DHCP)” by default.

Change the value of the “Method” field to “Automatice (DHCP) addresses only.
Changing the value will also change “Additional DNS Servers” field to become “DNS servers” field instead.
In the “DNS servers” field, enter “,”
The resulting screen should look like the below:

Click on the “Save” button to close the dialog.

For the changes to take effect, you need to restart your Wi-Fi connection.
You can do that by unchecking and re-checking the “Enable Wi-Fi” menu-item from the Wi-Fi context menu.

After you have done that, you should see that your primary and secondary DNS is and respectively.

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